Tuesday, April 6, 2010

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” - Jack London

I was cruising the internet this evening and did a Google search for finding inspiration.  One of the first sites I ran across was at this address:  http://writetodone.com/2008/03/03/31-ways-to-find-inspiration-for-your-writing/
As I started reading I was muttering to myself, "Yeah, that's right!"   When I was reading the bloggers list of where he finds inspiration I was thinking, "That is a great idea!"   Number 11 mentioned a book called The Pocket Muse, which I hope one day I can afford to buy.  It sounds great!
And I loved #12 and the 2 sites of Quotes to read!  I have bookmarked them to come back to on a regular basis!  Who knows, one may inspire a new poem from me.  And for someone writing a story, you can occasionally intersperse a quote here and there.
#14 was a whole new idea to me! I had never really thought about history and historical figures much for inspiration to get myself to write.  I had noticed a few of my creative friends dabbling into this area and doing quite well (Linda A. doing it a few times so beautifully!).  I definitely will have to try this inspiration.
If you click on HOME you can read a variety of other articles on differing subjects.
I found this site interesting, fun and, well,... inspiring!

Another site was along a different vein, leaning more towards finding inspiration in your life. But we writers can use it to help us with our writing.  The site is here: http://learnthis.ca/2009/02/8-methods-to-find-inspiration/
It inspires you to try other things in life that may change you, enhance your mind, and, for those who write, possibly take you down a new path towards creativity!

Now this site was primarily about poetry, which works for me!  My favorite part was when he talked about technical form-"the rhythm and sounds of poetry."  This struck a note with me!  He mentions a wonderful poem he wrote entitled Every Restless Night (which you can read here at this site: http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/poetry/dragon.html) where "the end of each line sight rhymes with the beginning of the following line."  It is hard to explain, but when you read the poem you will understand what he is doing.  You will also enjoy the other examples of his poetry and what inspiration he used.

Now, I love to take photographs and find it can be quite inspiring, stirring and relaxing.  And it can help with writing!  Sometimes a photograph, or something you view on your photographic venture, can inspire.  I think the eyes and our words go hand in hand.  I found one site which talked about photography and inspiration:  http://phototips.alexismiller.com/2010/03/finding-inspiration.html
I loved #3 Take a photo drive.  I do go out and do this on occasion, but have felt that I need to venture further.  It says just go alone, snap away, and enjoy your surroundings.  I say to writers who try this--take along a notebook and pen so that if you find words entering your mind, you can jot them down!
The site he mentions in #6 is great and I feel assured it will bring inspiration to many!
I could see idea #9 being used by writers as well as photographers.  Just adjust the idea to fit and - viola!

The ever-popular website of eHow has an article on finding inspiration (all sorts of sites of various topics as well): http://www.ehow.com/how_4689621_find-inspiration.html  It is short, with only 3 hints summed up as open your mind, look around you, and (my favorite) do something you have never done before.  I can see this last hint as something worth looking into and the possibilites that could come from it!

This article also has some good ideas for getting the creative juices flowing.  There are seven writing prompts given here that I think were unique. Try them!

I hope you enjoy visiting these sites and they give you--yes, it bears repeating--INSPIRATION!


  1. What a great idea Rose. I find when I learn something new, that I feel energized afterward. Then I scratch my head and ask myself why I don't learn something new more often. It's just so easy to stick with what I know. Your blog inspires me to get up and try something different. Thanks.

  2. What fun! You are just a torchbearer for the rest of us! Thanks ever so!

  3. I love your pictures, too. And I find the rhyme scheme of that poem intriguing.
