Thursday, November 24, 2011


I do not think one day of giving thanks is right. We should give thanks every day.  That is what I try to do.  Even on the worst of days, there is always something for which to say thank you.  Sometimes it might be for a small thing that seems insignificant--a clear night sky, a smile in passing, a compliment, bird song, colors of fall, a comforting hug, caring friends, the sound of laughter.  In each experience there is a touch of God.  So we should not only say thank you to loved ones, friends, and family, but we should thank God for the blessings of each in our lives. 
I am so very thankful for each blessing bestowed in my life.  Without my friends I could not endure difficulties.  Without smiles I would lose hope.  Without hugs I would feel forgotten.  Without the colors of fall I would forget to notice the world created for us.  
So even though my days might include difficulties, they also include blessings. Without such blessings I would not live through the difficulties.
Thank you friends.
Thank you family and loved ones.
Thank you Kala, my caring cat.
Thank you God.


  1. Thanks for the reminder, Rose! AND a personal thanks from me to you for the wonderful help and suggestions you give me at Chrysalis. Helen

  2. So beautifully said. Your loving spirit shines through in your words and presence among us. Thank you, for you. Alice

  3. Amen! God shines right through you, dear heart!

  4. That was very nice Rose. And you are so right. We should all keep thanksgiving daily in hearts.


  5. You seem to have a beautiful heart.

  6. we do often overlook the little blessings in each day. Thank you for the reminder.

  7. Thank you, Rose. For being you. And being my friend.

  8. You have such a big heart, Rose. I'm so happy to have you as a friend.
