Thursday, February 14, 2013


I have not been keeping up my blog as before but things have happened and I have been so distracted.  Now I am going to catch up. I spent Christmas with my best friend, Sue, and her family.  It was nice, especially being around the children.  They add joy to each day.
Brogan was all smiles Christmas morning, so eager go get to the gifts. But breakfast came first.
Then a few snapshots were taken for posterity, postponing the ripping of wrapping paper for a little longer, much to the dismay of the Brogan and Bella.

Now this shot below is perfect for a Christmas card!

Reactions to gifts were priceless.

Bella took on a rather large task unwrapping a gift.
Brogan enjoyed one of his new books.

It was such an enjoyable time.
After all gifts had been unwrapped and scattered about,  the family gathered together and presented me with one final gift...

I have been adopted!  (My last name is blacked out here due to being so unique, but not on original certificate)  It made me feel so loved!.


  1. Yeah, its been crazy at my house and I have not kept up with my own blog much less visit other people and make comments at their sites.

  2. Rose, what a special day to treasure and hold dear. The photos are lovely and uplifting and your gift is priceless - a gift of pure love.
