Tuesday, July 22, 2014


A few days back I took a walk, and, as usual, I had my camera with me.  
I took a few photos of flowers, birds and bees. 
 I always return home so anxious to see how they come out and to share with you on the blog.
The bees were quite active and all over the place.  Good to see them as so many are dying.
And blooming flowers were lovely!
 I saw birds!!  It was fun to practice taking photographs of them.
What a handsome guy. Anyone out there know the kind of bird he is?
Even saw a lovely yellow-spotted hummingbird! He kept flying around me.
 I caught this little goldfinch looking down at me!
 I am getting a little better at spotting and photographing birds!


  1. That's a very confident hummingbird looking straight at your camera. The other birdies look a wee bit nervous!

  2. Gorgeous images.I love flowers and birds so these are all perfect.

  3. The photographs you took of the birds are professional quality!

  4. The pretty pair are flickers. They are a kind of woodpecker, eating bugs in trees and making a hell of a racket during nesting season by beating on our metal chimney cap.

  5. Gorgeous images as always Rose - you'll have to see if there's such a thing as a portable/mobile "hide" you can purchase so you can sit in wait and turn into a professional birdie-photographer. With your eye, and that camera I reckon you could take some really publish-worthy pics Rose!

  6. Hi
    Thanks for sharing of theses pretty images.
    Keep posting.

  7. Oh your birds and flowers are so pretty!

  8. the photos are exquisite as always, but I'm also very impressed by the creature and other nature pictures you find in your area-Lynette

  9. Your photos are absolutely stunning!! Always fun to visit and see how you capture the beauty of nature around us!
    Mary Alice

  10. Oh Rose, if only I could take photos like you do. FABULOUS! So glad that you share your talent with us! I have had tons of bees this year. Glad to see them!

  11. gorgeous images. beautiful.
    Happy photo days and thanks for coming to my blog yesterday.
