Friday, August 29, 2014


Though nothing can be more beautiful than Nature itself, it is fun to play with photographs I have taken. 
But it is like reverting to childhood and playing with crayons when I dabble with the photo program.
Here are a few examples of my latest play day!
 This one of an iris is done with a dry brush paint effect.  Wish I really could paint so well!
This is another one of dogwood blossoms done in a dry brush effect. 
A close-up of the curls of an iris are also done with the dry brush effect.
This one has a posterization effect added. Can you spot the two different kind of bees?
 This one is an extreme posterization!!
It is a dahlia.
Another posterization.  It seems to grow on me. Reminds me of a painting with ink highlights added.
I did this one with light posterization effect added over watercolor which I had really lightened up a lot.
I had so much fun!
I do save my originals and work off of copies to "play."
Now, which do you like the best?
Remember, I do sell my photographs!


  1. Wow - these are all lovely, but I do love the first one best.

  2. Beautiful examples of your creative approach to art. :-) Alice

  3. How much are you charging for your blank cards?

  4. Love the photos, the 1st one is my favorite. Kellie

  5. I really like the first one.Playing with the photos can be very relaxing and so fun.

  6. All are gorgeous Rose but that first Iris has to be my favorite! Your photo skills are so incredible.

  7. These are all so pretty, but I really love the first one!!

  8. Looks like you had a lot of fun making beautiful art!
    Mary Alice

  9. OMGOSH, Rose! Those are ALL phenomenal! The pictures and the art work, too! Great job. I need to get you on my sidebar so I don't miss a post. I thought you were there already but I guess not. Have a great Tuesday- xo Diana

  10. Those look better than a lot of paintings I've seen in art galleries!

  11. Wow! That first iris should be on the cover of prize-winning iris magazines! Lynette M

  12. Let's see, my favourite is the very last one. I deliberated before coming to my decision though! :)

  13. I like the first one best too! :-)

  14. Hi Rose, Love your art work. Can't pick a favorite as they are all special. So nice to meet you and thank you for stopping by to visit and comment. I have so enjoyed my visit here and now a new follower too.
    Hugs and Blessings

  15. They're all so pretty, but I think I like the dogwood blossoms the best.

  16. Such pretty work Rose! And yes, I bought the Turtle (for my granddaughters to sit on and play with), it will sit outside their playhouse in my backyard! I fell in love with it :) Blessings to you, Cindy
