Saturday, March 6, 2021


 Randy and I went to this wildlife refuge and after the long drive we discovered that the park had all of the trails closed until the end of March!  We did get to see a bit of it and here are photos. 
This is a varied thrush!
There was this barn which reminded me of a a patchwork quilt!
A little garter snake peeked out at me.
There are many trees there, some I recognized as oaks.
They were covered with moss and lichen.
There are several pond/wetland areas and we could hear geese.
Thy have a cool red barn but it was not open so we do not know what it is used for.
This is all we saw but do hope maybe to do the trails another time.
When we had our ice storm that led to power outages for days, I managed to get a few shots of ice from the windows. Here they are.
A cold and hungry hummer!
I was so amazed at how thick the ice was on the branches and twigs!


  1. Your pictures are always stunning. Even the ice on the branches. Happy Sunday.

  2. With the trails being closed, that’s reason enough to go there again.

  3. Such a beautiful place! I particularly loved nature’s erratic creations with ice…surreal forms of frozen twigs and icicles formed of water drops. Stunning!
