Friday, August 1, 2014


On July 26th I attended the annual Poetry & Music Picnic in a park behind the Milwaukie Ledding Library in Milwaukie, OR.  It is a gathering of poets & musicians to share and hear poetry & music in a natural setting. 
Greg Chaimov, author of Everything Is Water and The Old World, read his poetry to start us off.  I have heard him read before and always enjoy his works.  His words reach out to me.
 Bill Siverly was another reader. He teaches poetry and creative writing at Portland Community College.  He is the author of several books:  Parzival (1981), Phoenix Fire (1987), The Turn (2000), and Clearwater Way (Traprock Books, 2009) and Steptoe Butte (2013).
This quiet man is an amazing writer.
 Oregon's sixth Poet Laureate, from 2010 to 2013, Paulann Petersen, introduced us to a few poems of William Stafford.  She always reads with such feeling that you are moved by the words.  If you ever get a chance to hear her read, do so.  You will find it a wonderful journey.
She is the author of several books: The Wild Awake (2002), Blood Silk (2004), A Bride of Narrow Escape (2005), The Voluptuary (2010),  Understory (2013).
My friend, Tom Hogan, read some of his poetry. He is one of the people who work to organize this summer event each year, as well as the monthly poetry series which takes place in the Pond House by Ledding Library.   He so loves poetry!
There were several other people who shared their wonderful poetry and poetry of people they admired.
The man in the Hawaiian shirt had such a great personality and voice that he could read anything and I would enjoy it!  The young lady with the colorful hair was amazing as she wandered in, wrote a poem, and shared it. It was wonderful!  She has talent!
The woman wearing glasses in the above lower left photograph is a wonderful poet as well, and has a book entitled Chiaroscuro Kisses.  
We also enjoyed entertaining songs from Lorna Miller...
and fantastic guitar music from Garth Bennerman.
Jane Rickenbaugh, wife of Tom Hogan, entertained us with a couple interpretive dances of poems as Tom read them. A very unique experience.
I also read but was not photographed.  It is always enjoyable to hear such a variety of voices and to share what we all have in common--the love of poetry!


  1. Thanks, Rose--I almost feel like I was there. It's irritating not to be able to go out in crowds or sunshine. Great pics. M

  2. the outdoor event looked lovely, and it's just your cup of tea. I'm glad you were able to read, too, as your poems are so moving.

  3. Great pictures Rose, as always. Love Jane and her dancing.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time. Thanks so much for sharing and for visiting:-)

  5. A picture perfect panorama of poetry lovers. :-) What did you read, Rose? Bring it to Chrysalis. :-) Alice

  6. How wonderful Rose - a perfect day for such a cultured picnic. I'm pleased to hear that you read. You must share, if you'd like of course.
    Jane R's interpretation of poetry dance is stunning.
    I can imagine how much you would have enjoyed this day.

  7. Rose, what a wonderful evening. I am sure that your poetry was beautiful! I have only heard cowboy poetry read. I bet this really was a moving experience!
