Monday, March 28, 2022


I've been watching the birds at our 3 birdfeeders in the yard.
Quite an array.
This one is a white-crowned sparrow.
The stellar jay is a regular visitor.
They love the suet and foraging under the seed feeders.
We also have daily visits in the yard and feeders from scrub jays. 
The red-wing blackbird comes off and on.
He forages under the yard seed feeder and eats suet.
I am told this bird is a purple finch. We have quite a few visits from them.
We have many more visitors but sometimes 
I am not quick enough with the camera
 and they are quicker.
I hope you enjoy these photos.


  1. These pictures are amazing. What a great backyard you have.

  2. Your pics are always so beautiful. The purple finches are very beautiful. I have never seen those in the midwest we get the yellow but not purple. Happy New Week. xoxo

  3. Lovely pictures of your backyard birds.

  4. Wonderful pictures, Rose. I am so jealous! We won't have birds here for at least another month. I need to get my hummingbird feeders out early this year so I don't miss the chance to attract them.

    I hope you have a wonderful week, Rose. xo Diana

  5. Spring has certainly sprung in full-featured glory in your neck of the woods.

  6. Such beautiful photos of this lovely birds.

  7. Rose, thank you for sending those wonderful photos of your birds...and for identifying them. We love seeing the ones who come to our feeders too. They are such a cheery lot! We really appreciate your swift camera and artist's eye. Love, Alice

  8. Love seeing the birds. A fun way to capture beauty of them. I appreciate you sharing them all! Sharon B

  9. I always enjoy each photograph you share. Anna

  10. Great shots! I hope there will soon be many more nature photos. Donna

  11. These are so enjoyable, Rose. We've had those purple finches in Phoenix. Sue
