Wednesday, September 18, 2013


This years civil war reenactment is September 21 & 22nd beginning at 9 am each day.  It is at Milo McIver State Park on S. Springwater Rd.  I have attended a few times before and am going Saturday.  i find it interesting and the people who do it live, act, and dress just as they would have done back in the time.  
It is very interesting.  Adults $8; ages 55+  and students with ID are $5;
Here is the link to the information. 
I always take Redland Rd. in Oregon City all the way to Springwater Rd., turn right, then go almost 1 mile to the entrance to the park on the left.  The event is usually all the way to the last parking lot area.
One of the photos I took last year


  1. Those guys are seriously dedicated to that movement. I've heard some even go so far as to wear 19th century wool underwear.

    1. Yes, they do really get into it. It always makes me feel like I stepped back in time.

  2. At least it won't be so hot this year. Those poor guys sweat like ponies in those wool uniforms. And the smell of black-powder just hangs in the air.

  3. The light is gorgeous in this photo.

  4. Thank you! I took quite a few. It is fun to take them and convert to sepia.

  5. Saw your comment on japing ape's blog. Thought I would check our your blog. A civil war reenactment is the last thing I would expect to see in Oregon. I live fairly close to Shiloh Battleground. You may know it as the Battle of Pickwick Landing. I'm actually not a civil war buff but have been to one reenactment. It was interesting and kind of fun. The pictures I brought home are not nearly as good as yours.

  6. They look very serious about making it authentic, but I'm wondering whether more of them should have beards.

  7. I have heard of these re-enactments...I've never seen one but people say they are awesome! Really gives one something to think about....very nice photo! I loved your comment on PROMISE....Bless you~~~Roxie
